Al Canali
Fun is definitely on the menu at an Al Canali show.
Al's a guy who's going to have fun wherever he plays, in whatever genre, and with whomever he joins on stage.
Saying that he "never met a genre (he) did not like," Al loves the blues, Americana, swing, jazz, and bluegrass. Playing cover songs as well as his own compositions, he brings a lighthearted slant to all of his shows, merging his scat singing into a lot of songs.
As a solo artist, Canali loves to engage the audience, relating his observations and stories, which may or may not have a factual basis. Original tunes include tales of the goings-on at the zoo after hours, a migrating salmon, or pie. Yep, pie. As he works with other musicians, he becomes the Al Canali Project, usually starting with a bass or keyboards, and is always "a step ahead of the ordinary."