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The members of Dave's Not Here sitting in a bar

Jerry's Other Hand or Dave's Not Here

Smokin' Joe is the instigator for more than one band inspired by the Grateful Dead.

Just as Grateful Dead musicians formed other projects that primarily played Grateful Dead songs, local musician, Joe Schauer, has at least two Dead-focused bands in addition to Not Quite Dead. (Don't worry. Not Quite Dead still plays whenever possible.)

Dave's Not Here

Joe’s first extra Dead band is Dave’s Not Here, a jam band that started with Joe’s Not Quite Dead family. In addition to music from the Grateful Dead, they play Dave Matthews, The Allman Brothers, Phish, Wide Spread Panic, and other iconic jam bands. (And yes, we caught the reference to Cheech and Chong, too.)

Jerry's Other Hand

Joe has also been known to perform and front a Dead-ish band called Jerry’s Other Hand. Some musicians may be in only one of these bands, others may appear in all of them. Joe leads (or as he says, instigates) them all, and two things are certain: First, Grateful Dead music will be played. Second, the audience will enjoy it.

Because Smokin’ Joe and all of his friends are excellent musicians and favorites around town, we want to make sure we post their shows. These groups are rather fluid, and it's difficult to find photos and videos, so until we do, gigs for Jerry’s Other Hand will be posted under Dave’s Not Here. 

Sometimes it’s just difficult to keep up with Joe. We do our best.

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Editor's Note: We encourage you to verify event times and details with the organizers, as they may change.