19 Ways You Know You Live in St. Augustine

Check out this list to see how locals know they live in the best city in the country!

St. Augustine may be a small town but there is no place like it in the world. Sometimes we get so used to life in the Ancient City that we overlook the quirks and charms that make St. Augustine unique. In case you have forgotten the small things that define daily life in this community, here's a countdown of the 19 ways you know you live in St. Augustine.

You know you live in St. Augustine when...

1. The sounds of canon fire are nbd (no big deal). Not a siege, just 2:30 p.m. on a Saturday.
2. Half the population is living in another century.
3. A traffic jam just means the bridge is up, or there's a carriage in your lane.
5. Large mobs of people hanging out in dark alleys are ghost tours, but if you don't see a Victorian butler carrying a lantern, you should run.
6. City grid created in 1500s + torrential Florida downpours = I hope you brought your rain boots.
7. The beach is five miles away, but somehow the trip is 35 minutes.
8. The hardest choice of your day is "312 or Bridge of Lions."
9. Not only are you one of the few people in the country who know what coquina is, you're also a connoisseur of Spanish Revival architecture.
10. That gray area when restaurants are still serving families dinner and slowly becoming a bar.
11. No reason to dress up for the nightlife. Heels and brick streets generally don't mix.
12. After attempting to navigate the narrow streets, you've learned your lesson about driving around downtown.
13. No open container laws force you and your friends to chug wine before moving on to the next gallery during First Friday Art Walk.
14. You haven't paid full price for anything in more than 13 years. #outletlyfe #couponqueen #imcheap
15. You've helped out lost vacationers on a weekly basis.
16. If you recognize the names Jackets, Flashes, Falcons, and Saints, consider yourself a die-hard St. Augustine sports fan.
17. Sometimes you wonder if Pedro Menendez really did find the Fountain of Youth, since you see him at every major city event.
18. If you're sailing in St. Augustine, you know the lighthouse is more than just for looks.
19. You've become a point of interest on the trolley and train tours.

Enjoy some of the places featured in this video

Special thanks to the Castillo, Meehan's Irish Pub and Seafood House, A Ghostly Experience, The Sports Corner, and St. Joseph's Academy for allowing us to film!